Paul Bagdan, Ph.D., CHE

Professor  |  The International Hotel School  |  College of Hospitality Management
Providence Campus


Paul Bagdan is the author of “Guest Service in the Hospitality Industry” which is now in its second edition. A Certified Hospitality Educator, he teaches in the areas of guest service, operations, technology, strategy and marketing. He has served within numerous roles within NENA (North East North American) Federation Board of ICHRIE (International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Educational).

Ph.D., Foodservice and Hospitality Administration, Kansas State University
M.S., Service Management in Hospitality, Rochester Institute of Technology
B.S., Hotel, Restaurant and Travel Administration, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
A.A.S., Hotel and Restaurant Management, Schenectady County Community College
A.O.S., Culinary Arts, Schenectady County Community College


  • customer service; guest services; tipping elimination

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